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SUDEP is the leading disease-related cause of mortality among people with seizure disorders,[1]
yet controversy continues as to whether or not healthcare providers should inform and counsel caregivers and people with epilepsy about the risk.

A study examining the practices of neurologists in the US and Canada found that SUDEP is not universally discussed with patients with epilepsy or their caregivers. The most common reason given was that they felt their patient to be at low risk. Other reasons included the lack of any proven preventative measures and the fear of negatively affecting a patient’s quality of life or mood.[2]

Dr. Rajesh RamachandranNair and his team from McMaster University were recently awarded a grant of CAN$36,000 from SUDEP Aware's Research Fund to investigate Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP): Living with the knowledge [HHS REB PROJECT #15-401].

This study will endeavour to identify whether and how SUDEP awareness impacts a person's life. It will help to establish guidelines and common practice for discussion about SUDEP, and determine the level of support required.