What it Feels Like to Have a Seizure – by Lillian
Hello my name is Lillian and I have seizures. So, you kids who have the same problem, you are not alone. The seizures that I have are different types. Some are epileptic, some are not and some are not even seizures and they just felt like seizures. When I roar and smash – that’s not a seizure. Some of my seizures are triggered by being scared, well usually. Well, my seizures are going to go away, I hope. But the good thing is you can still have fun in many ways and the most important thing to know is that your family will always love you and that’s my story and it’s true.
Epilepsy South Eastern Ontario helped me by giving me some books about epilepsy and they came to my classroom and explained about seizures. I felt safer because the kids in my class and teachers knew what seizures were like and what to do.