Category Archive


Dan’s Story

August 16, 2021

I had my first seizure just before my 13th birthday at a friend’s birthday party while jumping on a trampoline. Even though this was my first seizure I grew up…

Madison and Gray

July 28, 2021

Meet Madison and Gray, the faces behind Gray’s Epilepsy Journey team. This amazing team is part of The Walk for Epilepsy! Gray was born at 31 weeks gestation. She spent…

Monthly 50/50 Raffle

June 23, 2021

Proceeds from this on-line 50/50 raffle will help provide education, advocacy, information and support services to the almost 95,000 people living with epilepsy and their families in Ontario. Tickets are …

Services Update

June 24, 2020

In light of Public Health recommendations, Epilepsy South Eastern Ontario’s staff is working from home until further notice.  We understand that this is a concerning time, and we will continue…